The REAL reason you’re not selling enough

So yeah, you’re a highly-skilled expert in your field. 

You’re passionate about what you do.

You believe you deserve waaay more success than you’re currently getting.

What’s missing? 

Well, looking around the JHM community of over 6,000 coaches and therapists just like you, one thing always strikes me.

There’s very little understanding of the psychology of selling.  

Here’s how you can up your game:

Pique their curiosity: [So they’re motivated to explore further]

Tease a hitherto unheard-of secret
Let them taste what might happen next
Grab attention with intriguing email subject-lines

Create urgency/scarcity: [People always want what they can’t have]

Limit places
Close doors
Announce price rises

Discuss pain & pleasure: [Perfect lives have less of one and more of the other]

Solve their biggest problem
Guide them to their greatest dream
Show them they CAN have it all

Look, you’ve done the hard work – you’ve learnt how to transform lives. 

Now we just need to believe you can transform ours. 

Love you lots

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