You know what’s one of the deadliest weapons in your armoury?
Your ego.
It’s loaded, you’re open-carrying it, and it could go off at any time.
The consequences of an unfettered ego can be dire:
- You refuse to swallow the sunk costs of the failed project that’s got you where you are right now
- You push back from engaging a coach who could help you grow, and quickly
- You’re blind to collaboration opportunities with “competitors” who could share the journey with you
- Your ideal clients regard you as boastful, noisy and aloof, which don’t impress them much
- You believe the modicum of success you’ve achieved is 100% down to you (LOL)
However long we made that list, there’d be nothing good in it.
Curb. Your. Ego.
It’s never all about you.
PS – Here’s something that, contradictorily IS all about you. My small-group, high impact programme, the Client Attraction Blueprint, is open for registration for April. If you want to feed your monstrous ego and get genuinely good at making a business from your craft, click through and let’s talk.