Working for ourselves in our expert businesses, there are a number of cool perks:
- We get to help people
- We can work as little, or as much as we want
- We directly influence how much we earn, and when
- We can work from anywhere, and don’t need to commute
- We can change the world, even a little
But you know the biggest privilege we enjoy?
We get to make the final decision.
Yep, whatever crackpot scheme we dream up.
Whoever we want to work with.
However much we charge.
We never have to ask anyone if it’s ok.
How cool is that?
PS: The members of the Client Attraction Academy got to experience a one-hour training yesterday all about using workshops to make sales easier. If you’d like to take a look inside the Academy and see how you can get on the inside of the #1 membership community for coaches and therapists ON THE PLANET…check it out here.