What a weekend ahead!

If you’re reading this, there’s a MAXIMUM of an hour before we take to the stage for the first Client Attraction Summit of 2021. 

You might already know that, because you’re attending!

If not, you can grab a registration here and show up on the all-day event.

The main message for this morning is just this:

  • I’ve got your back
  • I’m working to create value for you every day
  • I want you to thrive in 2021, not just bumble along

Drop in on the CAS from 9.30am UK if you can – here’s the secret Zoom link which you shouldn’t really have without registering, but hey…


I promise it’ll be worth your time.

And I know it’ll be worth mine!

Love you lots

PS: Here’s that registration link again: http://bit.ly/jhmcas 

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