
What you really SHOULD be doing today

No doubt you’ve read about the difference between urgent and important.

That famous square grid, guiding you how to prioritise various tasks.

There’s an even better way to improve your productivity than deciding when to do stuff.

Decide what to eliminate completely. 

Here’s a simple process I started using recently:

  1. List the things you did yesterday
  2. Score each of them from 1 to 5, based on how much closer they took you to your mission or goal.
  3. Don’t do the 1s again, today or ever.
  4. Look carefully at the 2s, and consider eliminating those as well.
  5. Do this every day until your scores average 4.

As Tim Ferriss says – Busy-ness is laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.

You shouldn’t strive to be busy.

Strive to STOP wasting time. 


PS – Fancy telling us about your 2018 achievements LIVE next week? I’m hosting a week of Xmas parties LIVE in the JHM FB Group from the 17th – 21st December.  Book your slot here, and join the parties! 

PPS – Archimedes’ Eureka moment, captured by a local paparazzi who sneaked in his bathroom.

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