I read a piece today about little-known computer pioneer Claude Shannon.
He insisted that what separated genius-thinking from normality was the ability to focus on the core, rather than the details.
In fact, he stated that only when you eliminate the inessential from the problem you are working on can you truly even SEE the core that will guide you to an answer.
Working with one of my more inspired and inspiring clients earlier, we happened upon a problem that was stifling his ability to earn money from his coaching.
He hadn’t finished his website.
And no, that wasn’t the problem.
The problem was that he THOUGHT that was the problem.
The real problem was that by focusing on a peripheral detail – some coaches thrive without a website at all! – he hadn’t spoken to a single potential client for the last few weeks.
Starting a conversation with the person who looks like your next ideal client IS the core of what you do.
Nothing else has to happen first.
PS – If that idea ^^^ hasn’t sunk in yet, I can help. My Inner Circle launches on the 6th September, and the waitlist is open now. For 25 lucky people, you’ll get a weekly LIVE call with me for a lifetime 50% off the normal monthly rate. REPLY with #ICwaitlist and I’ll get you in.