As US super-coach and author Russ Ruffino says, the more offers you make, the more money you make.
Like any other business, the OUTPUTS in a coaching practice are hard to control.
On a micro-level, it’s tough to predict who will buy and when.
But, also like any other business, you can control your INPUTS.
That’s why it’s so important to follow my ABO mantra – Always Be Offering.
Here’s the test to check your ABO creds:
- How many times did you speak to potential clients this week?
- How many times did you post details of your signature programme in social media?
- How many emails did you send, reminding your tribe how you can help them?
If you don’t have a continual pipeline, running from people who don’t know you yet, through conversations and engagement, all the way through to a sales call, then you’re missing a big trick.
You’re leaving money on the table that could be flowing into your bank every day.
Whatever else you’re planning today, make us an offer!
Here’s an offer you can’t refuse! It’s my FREE Facebook Masterclass on the 26th April, LIVE, online via Zoom. It’s NOT a webinar, it’s an interactive class where we’ll work on your Facebook Group to help you create a thriving community like I have with Jonny Hates Marketing. It’s FREE to register, right here.