Where We Are

This is the best time to be alive, by any measure and by some margin.

Here’s a little reminder of your privileged position in the history of mankind from success guru Seth Godin.

  • There is less disease and fewer wars than ever before
  • Lifespan is increasing, year-by-year
  • We are the first generation with open access to all the world’s knowledge
  • You can make a direct connection to anybody you choose
  • Biology and AI will create infinite wellness, and soon

Never take for granted the infinitesimally small odds that landed you here in the first place, and certainly don’t waste the remarkable hand you’ve been dealt.

You have an uniquely stable and accessible platform to build success as an entrepreneur, and a real chance to create a legacy that outlives you.

What’s stopping you?

Author: Jonny | How I can help

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