Who you should really be afraid of

I read a neat little line from Jeff Bezos earlier: 

“Don’t be afraid of your competitors, they’re never going to give you money anyway.

Be afraid of your customers.”

Wise words from the richest guy in the world, responsible for transforming global shopping habits in a decade.

In your 21st century coaching or therapy business, this means losing zero sleep over what your perceived “competition” is doing.

It also means spending your waking hours entertaining, dazzling and engaging your clients.

Show them you’re fit to be their leader, and a worthy recipient of their investment in return for guiding their transformation.

You business would be a little unusual without competitors, but totally unviable without clients, right?

Love you lots

PS: Awesome “How To Be Controversial” workshop in the Academy Secret Session yesterday. Fancy a copy of the recording?

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