Why everything happens to YOU

How Can Taking RADICAL Responsibility Help You – And Your Clients?

As a coach or a therapist I’m sure you are familiar with the principle of taking responsibility, yet the concept of taking RADICAL responsibility (RR) may not your current reality.

Taking RR means that you own your thoughts, beliefs, actions and words, recognising everything is in reality – your choice.

Even NOT choosing is a choice.

Every choice has consequences and not actively choosing often has the most far reaching impact.

Do you take full responsibility for the interaction you have with your clients?
How you consistently show up in the world?
How you brand and market yourself?

Do you find yourself making excuses, rather than tackling jobs you don’t like?

Are you thriving financially, or do you choose to underplay your true worth?

Do you blame the economy, Covid -19, the weather, or are you choosing to step up and create your own success?

Are you hiding your talents and playing small as it feels uncomfortable to own the power of your gift?

It’s time to step up!

To take Radical Responsibility – the world needs you!


Thanks to the wonderful Gina Gardiner, inspirational leadership coach, for this guest DBT. 

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