Why I’m in Italy

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One of the great privileges of a 21st century coaching or therapy practice is that you don’t have to be anywhere in particular.

Unlike your predecessors (or even your previous selves!) who were tied to a consulting room or – worse – commuting round the country visiting clients, you can choose to deliver your transformational genius entirely online.

I’ve spent a quarter of the last 6 months working in the Canaries, Andalusia and now Tuscany, from where I’m writing this.

Here’s why I choose to do that, and why you might too:

  • Travelling is good for the soul
  • Meeting different people helps you grow
  • You can spend more time in sunshine
  • Sharing family adventures is life-affirming
  • You can inspire your clients with fresh perspectives

Don’t squander the glorious gift of location freedom – book a flight today!


PS – There are only three things you need to make location freedom a reality – clarity on what you do, who it’s for, and how you’re going to deliver it. Those are the 3 pillars of effortless marketing, and you’ll find them all here – and much more besides. 

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