At the turn of the century when I was building a financial consultancy, I was riddled with insecurity.
I filled my mind with a litany of destructive stories:
- I don’t know what I’m doing
- Someone’s going to find me out
- I need to get more qualified
- I can’t take the responsibility
- This can’t last forever
And yet, despite all that, we created an enterprise with over 200 staff, 8 offices and a £10m turnover in just 7 years, and sold it.
The secret?
As an antidote to all my angst and anxiety, I created a process for every aspect of the business.
Sales, marketing, compliance, HR, finance – everything had a manual.
Then, it didn’t matter how I was feeling, I just knew what we had to do every day.
Build a process. Keep the imposter at bay.
PS – No imposters here – just a great opportunity to grow and thrive.