Why self-ish is smart

Charity begins at home, they say.

When I was younger I thought that meant with me and my family.

Then, when I started asking better questions of myself I found this idea to be selfish and very limiting.

It prevented me from caring about others.

And it encouraged me to think of myself and family as more important than any other human beings.

I now believe that the statement was created when people lived a more community-based lifestyle.

Maybe it should actually read: “Charity begins in your community”.

People often give to charities doing great things for other people or animals in some far off country, when there are plenty of deserving people close by that could use a helping hand.

Beginning your charity within your community will help you to forge greater connections and a feeling of belonging.

It can also create great friendships and build a bridge between you and your prospective clients.

And it makes you feel great too !!!


This is a guest DBT written by JHM member Callum McLean – Living Financially Free By Investing In Yourself And Forex.

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