If you think January was good in JHM…
Wait till you see February!
After yesterday’s wild Sunday Service Session where almost a hundred of you offered up your Facebook Groups for analysis, it’s clear this is one gargantuan hot potato we need to peel, slice and deep-fry till it’s golden on the outside and fluffy white on the inside.
So yes, we’re declaring the 2nd month of the 21st year of the third millennium “Facebook February”, in honour of The Great Blue Gift From Heaven and the riches it can bring to your business.
> We’ll have a Facebook Pro-Tip Of The Day, starting tomorrow.
[Collect all 28 for a free ticket to Michael Jackson’s 2021 comeback tour, Ft Elvis and Johnny Cash.]
> Then, at the end of the month, we’re running a Facebook Groups Mini-Workshop, with more goodies and bonuses than you could ever imagine. Unless your imagination is prone to going implausibly wild.
The Mini-Workshop will come loaded with all-new cheat-sheets, swipe-files and other things we describe in hyphenated marketing jargon, so you can launch and grow a thriving FB Group that’ll have your ideal clients lining up to work with you.
It’ll be LIVE on Zoom exclusively for coaches and therapists on the 26th Feb – that’s a Friday – at midday UK.
If you’re American or you like to sleep late, or both, we’re rerunning it on the following Monday at 19.00 UK which awkwardly is not quite February anymore. Damn you calendar, for not leap-yearing when we really needed you.
We’ll have the Mini-Workshop registration links carved in pixels in the next few days.
So until then, write “workshop” in reply to this email, and we’ll get you at the front of the queue when they’re ready.
Love you lots
PS – Can you believe I spent my Sunday checking out dozens of FB Groups? My wife hates me so much right now.