Good lord!
This is the 1400th Daily Brain Tattoo since #1 on the 25th March 2017.
I promise you, I haven’t missed a single day. Except for every Sunday when I don’t write one.
Even God had a day off, right!?
As I had a few drinks to celebrate this glorious landmark, I’m going to simply mark that fabulous day in our history with some other stuff going on right then:
- It was a Saturday.
- The largest banana split ever, at 8040m long was made in Australia
- Roberta Hazard, American retired Rear Admiral (US Navy), died at 82
- Elton John was seventy years old
- It was four days before Theresa May signed Article 50 and removed the UK from the EU
- A bust of footballer Ronaldo was globally ridiculed as it looked nothing like him
- I published my first Daily Brain Tattoo, called Happy = Successful
What were you doing on that day?
Best story wins a prize…
Love you lots
PS: If you didn’t register for my 3-day Sales Sprint AKA Jonny’s September Sales Sprint To Earn You An Extra Three K By The End Of The Year, then you really, really need to: