Which fruit are you?
I was eating a banana last night, and reflecting on what a thoughtfully convenient little fruit it really is:
- You can see from the outside if it’s to your taste – green, yellow, brown it goes.
- It’s so easy to unpack and get to what’s inside
- Not messy and you can easily consume it when you’re mobile
- Delicious and leaves you feeling satisfied
- Great value for all the benefits it provides
Earlier in the afternoon, I’d wrestled with an orange, that by contrast:
- Was a massive challenge to get into
- Lots of wasted rind and pith to scrape off
- Made my eyes sting as it squirted its evil juices at me
- Was sour as hell inside, and loads of work just to find out
- Gave me next to no reward for all the effort
Can you see where this is going?
That’s right.
If you’re trying to sell me something, let me put it this way:
Less orange. More banana.
About your speaking gig
Would you like to guest on a podcast or live show?
Here’s a FREE service I use to get guest spots on OTHER PEOPLE’S PODCASTS.
It’ll boost your exposure whether or not you have your own podcast as well.
Video and audio broadcasts are fun, impactful and help to position you as an authority to your ideal clients.
Guesting on other people’s shows is a great way to get started.
Can’t wait to hear your voice soon!
7 ways to ruin any podcast
You know when you get invited to “guest” on someone’s podcast?
And you know how you show up, all experty?
And afterwards, do you remember thinking, “WTF was all that about?”.
Well, keep it up.
Here are seven steps to ensure podcasts will always be a big fat waste of time for you:
1: Don’t bother researching the podcast target audience. Just blather on about your favourite topic. They’ll love it anyway.
2: Don’t find out what the host is going to ask you. Playing it by ear is way better than having any kind of structure.
3: Don’t set any objective for your participation. Who cares if you got nothing out of it? Podcasts are fun, right?
4: Never enquire about the size of their audience. It’s none of your business, and they might think you’re rude.
5: Don’t do a sound-check beforehand. This ain’t the BBC, so it doesn’t matter if you sound like a wartime fighter pilot.
6: Don’t promote your appearance anywhere round your social. The host’s reach is plenty enough to get you famous.
7: Have a really hard-to-spell domain name so nobody catches it when it gets read out. If they’re interested, they’ll find you.
In short, podcasts.
What you DON’T do
When you’re coaching or therapising, it’s important to be clear where your boundaries lie.
- What don’t you offer?
- Who don’t you work with?
- What don’t you give as a discount?
And this shouldn’t be some internal secret.
It should infuse and inform all your branding, marketing and sales conversations.
Since I’ve been laser-focused on serving our community, I don’t get approaches from anyone who isn’t a coach or a therapist.
Nor do even they connect unless they want to crack the code of client attraction without paid advertising.
Total clarity on what you’re prepared and not prepared to do saves wasting time.
Yours, and ours.
I just saved you three months’ work
“More effort is wasted doing things that don’t matter than is wasted doing things inefficiently.
Elimination is the highest form of optimization.”
~ James Clear
And in your 21st century coaching or therapy business, you can easily while away your days on low-impact, time-heavy, superficially rewarding tasks that look like real work:
Redesigning your website
[HINT: you’re not a designer, and you probably don’t need a website anyway]
Writing a blog
[HINT: Audience Before Content – curate a community of people who might read it first]
Launching a podcast
(HINT: as above, don’t do this as a vanity project. You need a following who’ll listen to it]
Building a programme
[HINT: sure, create something to sell, but it doesn’t have to be perfect, and the simpler the better]
Registering your company
[HINT: lol]
If you could just do one massively impactful thing today, leveraging your time and maybe even making you some money – TODAY! – there’s no argument:
“Start a conversation with someone who looks like your next ideal client.”
You’re welcome.
Love you lots
PS: Not sure if you read the mahoosive post last night about Mitch Miller’s exclusive upcoming Copywriting Masterclass. It’s going to move the needle on your business like nothing else we’ve ever done here. Reply with “MITCH”, and I’ll make sure you get details.
The Madness of King Bob
I’ve been privileged recently to guest on the wonderfully quirky 808 Podcast hosted by Bob Clark, who’s quite bonkers.
Mad as a box of frogs, as I observed affectionately.
His crazy idea is that all his shows have to last precisely 8 minutes and 8 seconds, as 8.08 spells BOB.
His programmes and products are priced at $80.8 and $808 etc…you get the idea.
What Bob reminded me:
- Who says podcasts have to last an hour? Your game, your rules.
- Being different is how you stand out
- Dividing your audience is what builds your tribe
- Making people smile makes marketing easier
- When you hit on something good, spread it across your whole business
What are you doing to be shamelessly different?
PS – First full day on the South Beaches of LA. Check out the adventure here.
The power of bite-size
Do you sometimes feel like not sitting down to a full-blown lunch, and just take mini-breaks for snacks throughout the day instead?
How about consuming content?
Maybe listening to a one-hour podcast or reading a 2,000-word article is something you’ll just NEVER get round to.
That’s why these Daily Brain Tattoos are never more than a minute-or-two’s read, and why the audio versions play in a single minute.
Since I started reading them out-loud as Alexa Flash Briefings almost a year ago, thousands of people have downloaded and listened to them.
Try my snacks, then make some of your own!
PS – Here’s where to listen to the JHM Flash Briefings online if you don’t have an Alexa device
Podcasting and the art of getting found
Something strange has been happening over the last couple of weeks.
I’ve been getting Real Estate professionals from a certain part of the US asking to join my Facebook Group.
Not a few, but like 3-5 a day for a fortnight.
They’re not really my niche, so I assumed it was some AI glitch in the FB algorithm.
Then, I asked one of these property guys, hey, how did you find my Group?
He said, we heard you on a podcast!
So, one podcast recording I’d been invited on out of the blue – I’d even half-forgotten I’d done it – and 50 people who didn’t know me before now want to engage with me.
That shows the power of guest-podcasting, but it also shows how it pays to be open to opportunities, and to give stuff a try even when you don’t know it’ll work.
Note to self: get on more podcasts…
PS – Here’s a quick note for you. The Inner Circle subscriptions are going up to $99 a month for new joiners after 30th September, so there are only a few left at half that. Check it out here, and if the button works, grab a membership now.
Do you snack?
Do you sometimes feel like not sitting down to a full-blown lunch, and just take mini-breaks for snacks throughout the day instead?
How about consuming content?
Maybe listening to a one-hour podcast or reading a 2,000-word article is something you’ll just NEVER get round to.
That’s why these Daily Brain Tattoos are never more than a minute-or-two’s read, and why the audio versions play in a single minute.
Since I started reading them out-loud as Alexa Flash Briefings a couple of weeks ago, hundreds of people have downloaded and listened to them.
Try my snacks, then make some of your own!
PS – Here’s where to listen to the JHM Flash Briefings online if you don’t have an Alexa device
Your Speaking Gig
Would you like to guest on a podcast or live show?
As a thank-you for being with me in Content Week this week, I’ve got a couple of cool ideas to get you out in front of an audience who wants to hear what you have to say:
- Every Tuesday and Thursday I run a LIVE show in the Jonny Hates Marketing Facebook Group to my 3,400 + members. If you’d like to be a guest on one of my shows, simply reply to this email with “LIVE SHOW” and I’ll get back to you to arrange it.
- Here’s a FREE service I use to get guest spots on OTHER PEOPLE’S PODCASTS. It’ll boost your exposure whether or not you have your own podcast as well!
Video and audio broadcasts are fun, impactful and help to position you as an authority to your ideal clients.
Guesting on other people’s shows is a great way to get started.
Can’t wait to hear your voice soon!
PS – You can hear my voice soon if you jump on my FREE Facebook Group Masterclass on the 25th April, from 1pm-3pm UK. I’ll show you all the systems i use to build the Jonny Hates Marketing Facebook Group to a highly-engaged 3,400+ member community in just a few months. It’s not a webinar, it’s an interactive masterclass where we’ll be working on your Facebook Group, LIVE.
S1 EP4 – LinkedIn Queen Jill Chitty hits hard about your rubbish LI profile
Show Notes EP4
LinkedIn On Fire!
English LinkedIn expert Jill Chitty literally shows Jonny how to optimise his profile page, live on air.
You’ll get all this and more from LinkedIn on Fire with Jonny and Jill:
- Why you shouldn’t ignore LinkedIn in favour of more “fashionable” social media
- The ONE key thing that will get you found “organically” by your ideal clients
- How to leapfrog your competition by working the LinkedIn algorithm to your advantage
- How a travel agent made £20k + extra revenue in just 3 weeks from one tiny change
- Why your optimised LinkedIn profile is a true Effortless Marketing channel
Get your FREE LinkedIn profile review from Grow@JillChitty.co.uk
S1 EP3 – Super Joe Pardo sets Jonny on fire with his TOP business tips
Super-Joe Pardo is on fire in EP3, as he explains to Jonny why sales won’t save your business. He should know, he’s run a $20m family firm before writing 3 books and bursting onto the scene as a coach and mentor.
Jonny and Joe talk about:
- What WILL save your business
- Why B2B and B2C are outdated and useless acronyms
- Why TOP is an acronym that ALWAYS works
- Why a nice bowl makes sauce taste better
- Why you don’t have to READ books to WRITE books
Joe’s got it licked, and so will you if you stick this in your ears for 29 gripping minutes.
S1 EP2 – Guru Yayati Desai puts Jonny in trance with his effortless marketing
This week on Jonny Hates Marketing you get an out-of-body experience as Jonny meets Indian mindfulness guru Yayati Desai, and learns how to chill his way to coaching riches without setting ever foot on the internet. Well, almost.
Using the full gamut of modern technology – microphones, headphones and a very long cable, Jonny connects his voice in the UK to the ears of Yayati in Gujurat, who does the same back, in real-time and without delay. Amazing.
Listen in wonder as the lads discuss:
- Why a ridiculous question can get a ridiculously big result
- How to open the Aladdin’s Cave on your doorstep
- When family ties proved a simple way to more clients
- Why a local business still works in the age of globalisation
- What a chilled-out person REALLY sounds like
BONUS: Free ten-minute LIVE meditation, with actual meditation music and stuff.
Jonny Hates Marketing, but he loves a live link to India.
S1 EP1 – Dumb and Dumber Marketing Ideas Featuring Scott Doucet
Jump in on the birth of a phenomenon!
Season 1 Episode 1 of the soon-to-be-legendary Jonny Hates Marketing Show features more hot tips than you can shake a stick at, more revelations than a Bible class in Kansas, and more insights than a weekend with Tony Robbins.
JHMS host and Effortless Marketing™ proponent Jonny Cooper hangs out with guest Scotty Doucet, Canadian entrepreneur and founder of Podcast Bay, currently the hottest real estate in the podcast world.
The lads discuss:
- The dumbest marketing ideas they’ve seen this month
- How Jonny busted two copycat online courses
- Why snake-oil salesmen are hiding on the internet
- When pregnancy scans and music promotions are incompatible
- Why most online marketing sucks, anyway
- Some smart stuff you should be doing, right now
Plus they laugh, quite a lot actually.
Jonny Hates Marketing and so will you, after this.